Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm stuck in traffic crossing the Hoover Dam! Trip across the desert this afternoon had been awesome!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Food Inc. 2 of 2

For those of you who watched Food Inc. 1 of 1 a few days ago, here is part 2.  I hope you will all take time to watch, learn, take the actions you can as an individual to make better choices when you purchase your foods, and then share this video with others.  One person and one purchase at a time we can make a difference in our health, the quality of our food, our communities and our planet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Important Video: Food Inc. 1 of 2

I hope you will all take the time to watch this video, Food, Inc. 1 of 2.  It will change the way you eat; it will change the way you shop.  Remember, everytime you spend your dollar at the grocery store you are casting a vote.  Your choices are not just about what you are putting in your own body and how it will affect your health.  Your choices affect our community and our planet.  Remember, we are all connected.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reincarnation - Part 2

Reincarnation Story …

The one that opened the door to the idea
that Reincarnation may be true

The experience I write about here is true.  It is the experience that opened the door for me with regard to considering the idea of reincarnation. Prior to this, I had no real thoughts on the matter one way or the other.

My maiden name is Katherine Duncan Hendrick. I was named after my great grandmother, Katherine Duncan Miller. Grandma Kate, as she was called in our family, died when my grandfather was only two years old. As the story goes, she found herself pregnant with a fourth child. This happened around the time of the Great Depression and times were hard. Not wanting to burden the family with another mouth to feed she tried to abort the pregnancy. Complications resulted in her early death and left her three children without a mother.

When my Great-Aunt Frances passed away, my grandfather asked her daughter (his niece) for a ring that had once belonged to Grandma Kate, saying he would like to have the ring repaired and give it to me since I was her name sake. I was thrilled with the beautiful little antique garnet and pearl ring. Not only did I like the ring, it was the first time I’d been given a family heirloom and I was genuinely appreciative. For a while, I wore the ring all of the time. Gradually, I became “uncomfortable” with it. I couldn’t explain it, but I took it off. Then I’d put it back on again. Gradually, the feeling became so strong that I could only wear it a few hours at a time. It eventually found a home in my jewelry box and I quit wearing it entirely.

I had never been to a psychic before, but one of my friends had heard of one here in the Atlanta Area and wanted to go. This was not too long after I’d moved to Atlanta, so it would have been more than 25 years ago, about 1983. Four of us made appointments and went to see this woman. I took the ring with me, and well into my session I brought out the ring and asked the lady about it. I told her I had inherited the ring, the person whom it had belonged to had died at an early age and therefore no one in the family knew her very well. I asked her if she could tell me anything about the ring or its former owner. She held the ring for a few moments and then began talking. Some of what she told me I could confirm was correct, some I couldn’t correlate with what I knew. She new the number of children she had, that the woman was from Virginia, a teacher ... then she suddenly stopped and I could tell she had a piece of information she wasn’t sure whether to tell me. I remember thinking … “This is it; she knows whatever it is that causes me to feel uncomfortable about this ring!” I looked her dead in the eyes and told her, “I can see that you are hesitating to tell me something, but whatever it is, I want you to tell me.” She asked me if I was open to the idea of reincarnation. I told her that I didn’t know, that I’d never given it consideration, but I was open to listening to what she had to say. She then told me, “I think you WERE this woman.”  It was only at that point that I shared with her that the ring had belonged to my great grandmother whom I’d been named for, and that I had become uncomfortable wearing the ring. She suggested two books on reincarnation for me to read, which I did follow through and read soon after. She also explained to me she thought the reason the ring made me feel uncomfortable was that on some level, I recognized the ring, but since I didn’t understand it, I was uncomfortable with the feeling. Interesting, stuff, huh? Well, you would think the story ends there, but it does not.

Months later when I was visiting my Mother and Grandfather, I told them about my visit to the psychic (bad idea). Being more traditional, and not nearly as open minded as I am, not only did they find my story uninteresting, but they were down right offended and angry. The idea or suggestion that I might be a reincarnation of my Great Grandmother went over like fingernails on a chalk board. Therefore, I quickly dropped it, planning never to bring it up again. Years later I got a phone call from my mother. She asked me if I remembered telling her the story about the psychic telling me I was a reincarnation of Grandma Kate, and how angry she had become. “Yes, I remember”, I replied. Her answer, “I have been doing some genealogy research and have come across a piece of information that I must tell you about. I never had any idea of this before, but I just found the date of Grandma Kate and your great-grandfather’s wedding anniversary. It is December 16th, the same as your birthday. I thought you should know.”

If you read books on reincarnation, they do agree on some ideas. Souls tend to gravitate to one another through many lifetimes, though the relationships may change. It is not thought to be an unusual phenomenon for a soul to have the same, or a similar name, through more than one lifetime. Therefore, the woman who did my reading was not surprised when I told her that I was the namesake of my Great-Grandma Kate, instead it only confirmed to her that her reading was accurate. For me, it opened a door of exploration since I had no strong feelings about reincarnation one way or the other. The coincidences seemed to uncanny to ignore.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Reincarnation - Part 1

     Brian Weiss, author of "Many Lives Many Masters", was in Atlanta this past weekend and several of my friends went to see him.  Thus, reincarnation seems to be a topic of current interest and conversation in my circle. Several years ago a friend asked me why I believe reincarnation is real. When I met this person there was a very deep and instant connection that I could explain in no other way than if we had known each other in many other lifetimes. My new/old friend acknowledged the unusual and immediate sense of familiarity; the instant feeling that we'd known each other for many years.  He had never considered reincarnation and it was not a part of his belief system. Thus the writing down of my thoughts and experiences on the subject.
     Is reincarnation real? First, let’s clarify that people do not reincarnate, souls do. So, the first question you must ask yourself is “What is a Soul”? Generally, most people identify themselves so strongly with their physical bodies, their minds (or thoughts), and egos (the “I” former, which identifies itself with our positions and possessions) they are really not very connected to the core essence of their being, or their soul.
     So what is a soul? Deepak says the soul is non-local, acausal, quantum mechanical, interrelatedness. In more understandable words this means the soul resides outside of space and time, has no particular location, there is no cause and effect, things are non-linear, and everything is instantly correlated, and inseparably connected and correlated with everything else on this level.
     How do we connect to our soul? One of the best ways to connect with our soul is through meditation. During meditation we occasionally slip into a place, sometimes referred to as “the gap”, where we glimpse our soul. When you slip into “the gap” you transcend space, time and causality. What happens when you begin experiencing this state of consciousness? You start realizing there is more to reality than we experience in the first three States of Consciousness (deep sleep, dreaming, waking). You will notice you have more intuition, you inner world and your outer world establish some connection. You will notice your senses become enhanced or refined, your relationships improve and toxic habits fall away.

     What do we know about different states of consciousness? We know that knowledge is different in different states of consciousness, reality is different in each state, and our biology is different in different states of consciousness. Our brain waves are different in each state of consciousness. Our physiology also changes with regard to heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, perspiration, release of stress hormone, etc.

     I do believe that our souls reincarnate, and some souls may even have a choice about whether to reincarnate, but people and personalities do not. Just as we play out a variety of roles during a lifetime, our souls play out a variety of roles in each incarnation. They find themselves in a different body, which changes throughout a lifetime, different roles, which also change throughout a lifetime, with different personalities and situations.

     Though the belief of reincarnation has been around for thousands of years, modern day Christianity does not generally accept reincarnation as part of its doctrine, and some even consider it heresy. However, I have discovered that deeply hidden within its history, especially the writings of Mystic Christianity, reincarnation was part of that belief system. I found a tidbit of history confirming that reincarnation was originally a Christian tenent but was rejected at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 CE. Reincarnation is a part of both the Hindu and Budhist beliefs, as well as others.